Tipicità in Blu

Tipicità in Blu ANCONA » Marche » Italy 29 settembre – 3 Ottobre 2021 Tipicità in blu è un “Festival-lab” nato nel 2014 e divenuto negli anni un punto di riferimento, con una vasta rete di relazioni in Italia e all’estero. Il focus è la “blue way” ossia la sperimentazione di format ed iniziative prototipali … Llegiu més

Creative Forum

Creativeforum.si is a platform for a lively and cross-sectoral exchange between creatives, entrepreneurs and policy makers. It invites different sectors – industry, foreign policy, education, tourism and more – to jointly create an enabling environment for the cultural and creative sector to prosper. It provides capacity building, networking opportunities and room for debate. It is … Llegiu més

Adaptation to climate change in the Mediterranean: feedback and best practices

Editions of the “Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Awards” are organised by the French Agency for ecological transition (ADEME), with the support of its Mediterranean partners the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and Plan Bleu. The competition rewards exemplary and concrete actions to adapt to climate change in the Mediterranean. ADEME, the Secretariat of the Union … Llegiu més

Suq Festival

Born in 1999, founded by Valentina Arcuri and Carla Peirolero, professional of theatre and communication, Suq Genova mainly operates in Genoa, organizing successful cultural initiatives and theatrical productions. It pays special attention to gender and multi-cultural issues. The events realized so far have had a strong impact on the social and educational field, attracting a … Llegiu més

Conference on Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus Scientific Advances in the Mediterranean Region

Increasing demand for water, energy and food, due to population growth and urbanization, is aggravated by unprecedented extreme weather and climatic conditions. This situation is likely to undermine the sustainable and peaceful development of the Mediterranean region. As these sectors are strongly interlinked, sustainable development and social stability in the region cannot be achieved simply … Llegiu més

Trobades & Premis Mediterranis Albert Camus

Since 2017, Menorca has been the stage for the Trobades & Premis Mediterranis Albert Camus, organized by the Trobades Literàries Mediterrànies (TLM) Association and the Sant Lluís town council. Both the Trobades Mediterrànies Albert Camus and the Premis Mediterranis Albert Camus, which take place during alternating years, promote the gathering of Mediterranean thinkers and creators … Llegiu més

Festival Jardins Pedralbes

The Jardins Pedralbes Festival is a Concert Studio project. It has been 7 years since the first Jardins Pedralbes Festival, which was created by our passion for music and the city of Barcelona. We dreamed of an open place, outdoors, in contact with nature and history. With the support of the City Council of Barcelona … Llegiu més

The 2021 UfM Women Business Forum

This year, the Women Business Forum will join the international community to further analyze how digitalisation can help empower women as entrepreneurs, traders, workers and professionals as well as discuss the necessary policy measures required to ensure that digitalisation does not leave women behind. Why join? – Learn how to transform your business in the … Llegiu més

Here’s a quick snapshot of what the International Mediterranean Day logo can and can’t be used for.