ARLEM Award Young Local Entrepreneur of the Mediterranean

Start date: 11/04/2024
End date: 11/05/2024

The ARLEM Award – Young Local Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean goes into its 6th edition, and once again within the framework of the celebrations of the Day of the Mediterranean.
The winning enterprise and local/regional authority will be announced during the 15th ARLEM Plenary session, which will take place this autumn in Amman, Jordan. ​​

The Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly (ARLEM), in collaboration with close partners and supporters, grants an award every year to a young entrepreneur from the Mediterranean partner countries of ARLEM. The award focuses on the link between the entrepreneur and the local or regional authority providing support.

The objectives of the award are threefold:
To showcase a successful example of youth entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean region to inspire other young people;
To demonstrate the positive impact that local and regional authorities in the Mediterranean can have on the entrepreneurial ecosystem, thus encouraging other local and regional authorities to actively promote, support and sustain youth entrepreneurship;
To illustrate how young entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean actively take the future into their own hands by creating jobs and positively influencing the local economic development, thus establishing a positive narrative.

Here’s a quick snapshot of what the International Mediterranean Day logo can and can’t be used for.