
The concert A Musical Journey through the Mediterranean, a concert for peace, aims at commemorating the Day of the Mediterranean. The concert invites us to navigate between the cultures and musicality of our region, and reminds us of the diversity and millennial heritage of the Mediterranean.


Clara Montes

Ensemble Mediterrània
The Odyssey (Fragment) – Homer (s.VIII aC)
Mera Merose – Traditional Greek song
Elqajiye – Traditional Turkish song
La vida es sueño. (Fragment) – Pedro Calderón de la Barca (Madrid, 1601-1681)
Morenica – Traditional Sephardic song
Mi País – Alí Dubb (Tataouine, Túnez, 1941)
Ya Laure – Fairouz (Liban)
Wek Tireke – Gani Mirzo
La canción del mar – Gibran Khalil Gibran (Becharre, Lebanon, 1883 – New York, 1931)
Siri Habibi – Traditional Arabic (Algerian)  

Mujeres Mediterráneas
Colombiana Malouf – Colombian song with a malouf sound, a style of music of Andalusian origin
Bereber-Mariana – Song of Morocco
Bulebabek – Blend of melodies in a song in Khaliji dialect

Maria del Mar Bonet
Outstanding pieces of the repertoire that evoke a song of Concord and the Mediterranean


Ensemble composed of musicians from various Mediterranean cultures, born in 2021 during the celebration of Sea of Words. Under the direction of Carola Ortiz, the group welcomes several professional artists, and offers a repertoire from Arabic and Maghreb music to Bulgarian dances, Balkan rhythms or traditional music, among others. Sounds full of emotion, lively and ancestral melodies and varied rhythms that offer a real musical journey.

Musical group based on the coexistence of music and cultures, especially Flamenco and Arabic music. In their universe, oriental and Andalusian rhythms are intertwined between harmonies, flamenco couplets, Arabic songs and Sephardic melodies. They present a personal musical language that dialogues between East and West, enjoying the musicality and diversity of various Mediterranean languages.

One of the voices of reference in the region. An artist who has always had the Mediterranean as a source of inspiration in her artistic and personal life. She has shared music all over the world in her language, Catalan, and has built bridges with artists from all over the world, publishing almost forty albums after six decades on stage. Today, accompanied by guitarist Borja Penalba, she invites us to her Balearic ship, to sail together through music and the Mediterranean Sea.

Our sea has historically served as a bridge between the cultures and the peoples of the two shores. Therefore, the concert evokes this dialogue and cooperation through art and music. It is a reminder that the Mediterranean Sea has been, and must continue to be, a region of peace.

This triple concert invites us to navigate through the different Mediterranean musical cultures. The Ensemble Mediterrània, with the collaboration of the renowned actress Sílvia Bel, will offer us a journey from east to west and from north to south with music and poems from the different Mediterranean traditions.

Later, Mujeres Mediterráneas will be the guest artists who will present their personal fusion of flamenco and Arabic, in an act of musical and cultural dialogue and coexistence.

This musical journey will conclude with the long-awaited performance of singer Maria del Mar Bonet, one of the most acclaimed voices in the Mediterranean, accompanied by guitarist Borja Penalba.


Concert per la Pau - Dia del Mediterrània 2023


The concert is framed within the Day of the Mediterranean, an annual opportunity to highlight cultural exchanges and regional cooperation, to embrace the richness and diversity of the Mediterranean. A day created to commemorate the Mediterranean heritage and to promote dialogue between the cultures and peoples of the region. In a context where regional conflicts persist and continue to escalate, despite various efforts to establish dialogue and cooperation, the Day of the Mediterranean wants to be a reminder of our shared identity, a reminder of what unites us between the two shores of our sea.

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Day of the Mediterranean 2023 – Find the Mediterranean in your city

The Mediterranean will always be an essential element of those cities and countries bordering its sea. From the very obvious horizon where the sky meets the water, the recomforting sight of a palm tree or bougainvillea to the specific spices and flavours found in Mediterranean dishes, it is hard to escape the Mediterranean. 

But if we push our search further – and farther – we will find out that small pieces of the Mediterranean’s heritage and culture can be found where nobody expects them to, even thousands of kilometers away from the shores of the Mare Nostrum. And these tokens can take many forms: street names honouring an important figure from the region, colourful mosaics and beautiful ruins of long-forgotten empires or food specialties inspired by human movements throughout History, you name it! 

Will you help us find the Mediterranean in the most unexpected places? 

  • Take a pictureand tell us… Where do you find the Mediterranean in your city?
  • Share it on social media and don’t forget to tag #MediterraneanDay

Here’s a quick snapshot of what the International Mediterranean Day logo can and can’t be used for.