Rome MED – Dialoghi Mediterranei/Mediterranean Dialogues

Start date: 11/25/2024
End date: 11/27/2024

The Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation will organize the 10th edition of the Rome MED – Dialoghi Mediterranei/Mediterranean Dialogues. The MED community will reconvene in Rome for high-level discussions on the most critical issues of the wider Mediterranean.

Launched in 2015, MED has quickly become the global hub for high–level dialogues on the broader Mediterranean engaging prominent personalities of Mediterranean. Past editions have brought together more than 2.000 international leaders, including Heads of State, Ministers, dignitaries, representatives of international organisations, and business leaders, mostly from countries of the wider Mediterranean but also Europe, Asia, and the US.

The MED Dialogues aim to rethink traditional approaches to the area, bringing in new ideas and suggestions as to draft a “positive agenda” for the region, which tackles security and socio-economic challenges through common visions.

Here’s a quick snapshot of what the International Mediterranean Day logo can and can’t be used for.