EU Green Week- Tourism Skills for Digital and Green Transition

Start date: 06/07/2023
End date: 06/07/2023

EU Green Week- Tourism Skills for Digital and Green Transition

New trends, fast societal and demographic development changes, pace of innovation, climate crisis, post-pandemic: a challenging scenario for tourism SMEs and tourism professionals to deal with. Many jobs in the sector have changed rapidly and new ones are emerging, green and digital skills are at the forefront of the tourism industry.

How to understand the complexity?
How to take advantage of the opportunities and how to minimise the risks?
Insightful speeches and practical sessions will dive the participants discover how to unlock the power of green and digital skills in the tourism industry. The event will also introduce the tourism SMEs to the potential opportunities of getting micro funding (up to EUR 10K).

Last but not least, attending the event will qualify to access a free workshop around REAL TIME STRATEGY FOR TOURISM SMEs and PROFESSIONALS using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method and tools!

Register today for the EU Green Week online event now!

Here’s a quick snapshot of what the International Mediterranean Day logo can and can’t be used for.