4th Mediterranean Forum

The Forum aims to present the Mediterranean as a hub of innovative water management responses which have been locally developed or adapted to address the prevailing challenges of the region including those related to climate change impacts. It will also outline how the Mediterranean region is developing an integrated implementation framework through the Union for … Llegiu més

The Mediterranean at the Ateneu

IEMed and Ateneu Barcelonès organise a day dedicated to the Mediterranean with two round tables and a musical performance. The session is opened by Isona Passola, president of Ateneu Barcelonès, and Senén Florensa, executive president of IEMed. The first round table called “What society do we want? Youth and social transformation“, counts with young people … Llegiu més

Med Business Days 2021

EBSOMED aims at boosting the Mediterranean business ecosystem, promoting an inclusive economic development by enhancing the private sector and investments in the Southern Neighbourhood Countries, improve the overall management capacity of Mediterranean Companies and Business Support Organizations (BSOs) through enhanced services and quality standards. ABOUT MED BUSINESS DAYS 2021: A gathering of the Italian, European … Llegiu més

Presentation of Quaderns de la Mediterrània 32. Art and creativity: bridges of intercultural dialogue

Presentation of the 32nd issue of the magazine Quaderns de la Mediterrània “Art and creativity: bridges of intercultural dialogue”, which highlights the importance of building bridges of dialogue in the Mediterranean, a dialogue that we recognize as intercultural, where processes and results are full of mutual references despite painful conflicts found between the two shores. … Llegiu més

Conference on Wetland restoration as Nature-based Solutions in the Mediterranean

The online Conference on “Wetland restoration as Nature-based Solutions in the Mediterranean”, organized by the Union for the Mediterranean and MedWet in the framework of the UfM labelled project, “the Wetland-based Solutions Programme” will be held on the 16th November 2021, 10.00-13.00 CET. The conference will be held in English, French and Arabic, and will … Llegiu més

Reporting on climate change complexity in the Mediterranean region

Mediterranean countries are facing a set of complex and interrelated challenges that are increasing climate change vulnerability of the region – many of which are directly related to water, energy and food production, distribution and use. These three elements are inextricably linked. Water is used for energy production, and energy is the dominant cost factor … Llegiu més

Religious Communities, Dialogue and Sustainability

On October 12th, 2021, at the Multifunctional Hall of the Municipality of Ventotene (which granted the patronage to the initiative), experts and institutional representatives of both national and international level have discussed a series of projects and initiatives on inter-religious dialogue and sustainable development during the event Religious Communities, Dialogue and Sustainability. The Representation of … Llegiu més

Here’s a quick snapshot of what the International Mediterranean Day logo can and can’t be used for.