The MedFund 2022 General Assembly
- Country: Monaco
- City: Monaco
The MedFund is a Monaco based conservation trust fund launched by 3 countries Monaco, France and Tunisia and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation that provides sustainable funding for marine biodiversity conservation.
The General Assembly represents The MedFund’s supreme authority. It meets at least once a year, convened by the President of the Board of Directors. In October 2019 the Senior Officials of the 43 UfM Member States endorsed The MedFund as a new regional initiative on sustainable growth in the Mediterranean area.
The General Assembly gathers member States such as France, Tunisia, Monaco, Morocco, Albania and Spain and key mediterranean organizations involved in the conservation of marine and coastal ecosystems of the Mediterranean such as the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Oceanographic Institute – Prince Albert 1st of Monaco Foundation, the Specially Protected Area Regional Activity Centre – UN Environment -MAP, the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, MedPAN network of Mediterranean MPA Managers, WWF Mediterranean, IUCN Mediterranean, the French coastal protection agency Conservatoire du Littoral and the Mediterranean Small Islands Initiative.