Mediterranean Day Concert in Barcelona
30 November 2024, Barcelona. To commemorate the day, the Union for the Mediterranean, together with IEMED, the City of Barcelona, the Government of Catalonia and the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs will offer a concert at the Saló del Tinell in Barcelona under the direction of the renowned musician, conductor and musicologist Jordi Savall.
The concert seeks to fuse classical Arabic music, Catalan popular music and oriental flamenco by the Syrian couple Ahmad Dyab and Aseel Massoud. At a time when violence is once again shaking the Mediterranean region, the repertoire of maestro Savall seeks to be “Music for life and dignity”.
Jordi Savall y Orpheus 21
A musical formation directed by Savall, Orpheus 21 is made up of musicians who are refugees in Europe from various countries.
They will perform more than twenty musical pieces including traditional songs, dances and chants from the rich historical musical tradition of the Mediterranean.
A musical proposal that fuses classical Arab music, Catalan popular music and oriental flamenco by the Syrian couple formed by Ahmad Dyab and Aseel Massoud, who will close the event.

Homenaje al Mediterráneo
Diálogos de voces lejanas
Orpheus 21, repertorio
La rosa enflorece – Cançó tradicional sefardita
Canarios – Michael Praetorius (1571-1621), Terpsichore, 1612
Sharaf-elddine – Cant religiós iazidí
Moaxaja: Fiyachia – Cançó tradicional del Marroc
Saltarello – Alfons X el Savi (CSM 77-119
Ilahi Nihawend – Cançó tradicional, melodia anònima, poema àrab de Smonon bin Hamza dit Al Mouhib (Bagdad, s. IX-X)
Nihawend Longa – Kevser Hanim (s. XIX)
Nani, nani – Cançó de bressol tunisiana
Ductia – Alfons X el Savi (CSM 123)
Mirkut – Cançó de collita kurda
Moaxaja: Billadi askara min adbi llama – Cançó àrab (Al-Andalus)
Çeçen kızı – Dansa instrumental turca, Tanburi Cemil Bey (1873-1916)
Apo xeno meros – Cançó tradicional de Grècia
Ghazali tal jàhri (instr.) – Cançó tradicional del Marroc
Lamuny – Cançó tradicional del Marroc i de Tunísia
Kevokê – Cancó i dansa tradicional kurda
Cançó tradicional àrab
‘Al maya, ‘al maya – Cançó i dansa àrab de l’est de Síria
El Rey Nimrod – Cançó tradicional sefardita
Ya Mariam el bekr – Himne a la Verge Maria (Síria i Líban)
Koniali – Dansa de Grècia i Turquia
Con el apoyo del Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya
Athrodeel, repertorio
Fusió sírio-catalana – Cha’am (Tradicional) & Vestida de nit (S. Pérez-Cruz)
La Gavina – Cançó tradicional catalana
Tangos de flamenc oriental
Hakan Güngör, kanun
Rusan Filiztek, voz & saz
Wassim Halal, percusiones
Waed Bouhassoun, voz, ud, concepción y preparación del programa
Ahmad Dyab, guitarra
Aseel Massoud, voz
Con la presentación y colaboración de Jordi Savall, rebec, viella y dirección
Comisariado por Martí Sancliment
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The Next Wave: building a shared tomorrow
2024 is a year like no other. With the final deadlines of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development fast approaching, and the multiplying crisis facing the world, it is up to us to shape the Mediterranean as we see it, based on resilience, cooperation and a better future for all.
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A coupon for a unique day
For the third consecutive year, the ONCE coupon for November 28th is dedicated to Mediterranean Day and highlights the ONCE Social Group’s commitment to making our region a better place, a space where humanism, knowledge and cultural dialogue meet.
This year’s coupon encourages participation in the campaign and highlights challenges and solutions for our shared space.