Mediterranean Day 2022 highlights
2022 edition at a glance

65+ activities in 25 countries

Opinion articles published in more than 23 countries.

Featured in 1600+ media articles, radio & news reaching a potential audience of 2.5 billions
An official logo chosen through 3000+ votes,translated in 13 languages

Over 1.5K posts/tweets/stories accross UfM social media platforms, including visuals, videos and quizzes using the official hastag #MediterraneanDay.

A regional video campaign to discover how others “feel” the Mediterranean – Over 900K views throughout the year
65+ activities in 25 countries
Mediterranean Day logo projections across cities

Video campaign: Feel Mediterranean
When asked what the Mediterranean means to you, everyone’s answer will be different, and yet a reminder of a shared identity. The music and food that can immediately evoke fond memories. Sitting in the shade of an olive tree or looking out across any of the many unique skylines in a moment of peace and connection with nature. Transcending cultures and generations, the possibilities are endless.

A network of Mediterranean partners
50 official Med Day partners and 6 Media partners, and hundreds of Euro-Mediterranean organisations engaged
Visual identity
An official logo chosen through 3000+ votes, translated in 13 languages.