Lecture about Barcelona Convention and Plastic Waste Pollution in the Mediterranean

Start date: 11/28/2021
End date: 11/28/2021

In the occasion of the first Mediterranean Day (November 28, 2021) and in the framework of the Lebanese civil society combating for a plastic free Mediterranean Sea, funded by the European Union and implemented by Lebanon Eco Movement and the Lebanese Environment Forum under the name of Bahr Bala Plastic, Lebanon Eco Movement invites you to attend an online lecture entitled Is Barcelona Convention and its protocols sufficient enough to face plastic waste pollution in the Mediterranean Sea?

َََSpeaker: Professor Michel Prieur, President of the International Center for Comparative Environmental Law CIDCE

Friday, November 26, 2021 From 11:00 am till 12:30 pm (Beirut time) Via ZOOM

To attend the lecture, kindly register via link below:
We will send the Zoom link 24 hours prior to the webinar

Concerned audience :
Experts, activists and environmental NGOs advocating the plastic pollution reduction in the Mediterranean sea.
Language : French
(interpretation will be provided in English)


Here’s a quick snapshot of what the International Mediterranean Day logo can and can’t be used for.