Musical performance with @malotira_music with a special guest Giulia Gallina @giulia___cat

Start date: 11/28/2022
End date: 11/28/2022

We are celebrating the diversity and richness of the Mediterranean while strengthening ties between its two shores.

On the occasion of the #MediterraneanDay, Associação Cultural Luso-Grega “Parafonia” @aclg.parafonia in collaboration with Junta de Freguesia de Belém @juntafreguesiabelem organises a musical performance with @malotira_music with a special guest Giulia Gallina @giulia___cat.

28 November 2022 at 7 PM local time
Auditorium of “Museu dos Coches”, Belém

Here’s a quick snapshot of what the International Mediterranean Day logo can and can’t be used for.