Musical performance with BASMA & ORWA 
featuring Vasko ATANASOVSKI

We are celebrating the diversity and richness of the Mediterranean while strengthening ties between its two shores. On the occasion of the #MediterraneanDay, APIS Institute / @zavodapis in collaboration with Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve RS / Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Bled Strategic Forum @bledstrategicforum organises a musical performance with BASMA & ORWA 
featuring … Read more

Round table discussion and a concert Basma & Orwa & Atanasovski

The round table discussion and the concert will be streamed online, please find the link below. The exceptional Syrian musicians based in Vienna, Basma Jabr and Orwa Saleh, transform the charismatic ancient Arabic tunes into a perfect harmony and a sensual musical journey, on which they will be joined by the Slovenian musician Vasko Atanasovski … Read more

InterArts; Reclaiming our Mediterranean

In light of the Mediterranean day, this is an invitation for the “InterArts” performance; Reclaiming our Mediterranean through arts for dialogue. What to expect? • Community performance that combines visual arts and performing arts. • Live debate with the artists. • Networking that consists of food and beverage coming from various backgrounds and stories from … Read more

Here’s a quick snapshot of what the International Mediterranean Day logo can and can’t be used for.